Get custom u8g2 CJK unifonts with ease!

No more complex process to create u8g2 CJK unifont codes! Just enter the characters needed and click submit! That's it!


  1. Easy to use
  2. Remove duplicated characters
  3. Minimum file size and Arduino memory size for any project

SSD1306 OLED demo


Generate u8g2 CJK fonts

How to use u8g2 CJK converter after download?

  1. 1. Copy the downloaded file into your Arduino project directory
  2. 2. Include u8g2lib.h: #include <U8g2lib.h>
  3. 3. Include the downloaded .h file: #include "u8g2_font_23b617f7a318e1167ea7a566e49f15e2.h"
  4. 4. Set the font with: u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_unifont_myfonts);
  5. 5. Done

Video Tutorials for u8g2

u8g2 新手入門(中文)

為了使用 0.96” OLED SD1306 顯示器, 研究了一下 U8G2 的字型程式庫的使用方法. 記錄一下使用方式, 也和大家一起來分享. 影片中14:34也介紹了如何安裝及使用益師傅做的5000+繁中字型.

u8g2 how to(English)

For 0.96" OLED SD1306 display, I studied the u8g2 library and made this video to share with you on how to use U8g2 library with monochrome display.


這個影片適合想要學習如何在SD 1336 LED上面畫出圖案的朋友觀看&學習.
(中文字幕 CC is available! for other languages, pease use YouTube auto-translate)

Frequently Asked Questions

U8g2 is a monochrome graphics library for embedded devices. It supports a wide range of monochrome OLEDs and LCDs. Here are some key features of U8g2 and its included U8x8 library:
  • Includes all graphics procedures (line/box/circle draw).
  • Supports many fonts.
  • (Almost) no restriction on the font height.
  • Requires some memory in the microcontroller to render the display.

  • The Arduino library U8g2 can be installed from the library manager of the Arduino IDE12. It’s a great tool for developers working with monochrome displays in their projects.
    Check out more info on GitHub

    This base on the font used to generate unicode is unifont.c. It contains many language fonts. I only tested with traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Let me know, if you found your language is supported.

    Good question! It means that characters you specified is not within unifont.c Well, you might want to create the glyph yourself and contribute back to u8g2 community.